About me

Educational history

  • 2012 - 2016 - Novosibirsk State University, Department of Physics, Physics and Technics Automation Chair. Bachelor of Physics.
  • 2016 - 2018 - Novosibirsk State University, Department of Physics, Physics and Technics Automation Chair. Master of Physics.
  • 2018 - present - Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics. Postgraduate and Ph.D. student.

Despite the specialty being titled as Physics, the actual educational program at our Chair was also about computer science and its applications in physics.

See Education page for more details.

Professional history

Primary skills

  • C/C++
  • Rust
  • Python
  • UNIX and Linux
  • Computer graphics
  • Embedded


Along with my educational and professional activity I’m also making some tiny researches, proof of concepts and small projects on my own just for fun. Here are some of them:

The more complete list with descriptions you can find at Projects page.
